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14 November 2019
Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 3 Ending 30 Sep 2019
14 November 2019
Reviewed financial performance Quarter 3 (F45)
14 November 2019
Financial Statement Quarter 3/2019 (Reviewed)
10 October 2019
No Right Adjustment of the Exercise Price and Exercise Ratio of the Warrants to purchase the Newly issued Ordinary Shares of TTCL Public Company Limited No.1 (TTCL-W1)
02 October 2019
The Interim Dividend Payment (Revised)
02 October 2019
The Interim Dividend Payment
01 October 2019
Receiving payment of Disposition of Investment in Navanakorn Electric Co., Ltd. ("NNE")
03 September 2019
The right of shareholders to propose in advance agenda items, as well as to nominate a candidate to be appointed as a director at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2563
21 August 2019
The Disposition of Assets of the Company
14 August 2019
Reviewed Quarter 2 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
14 August 2019
Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 2 Ending 30 Jun 2019
14 August 2019
Financial Statement Quarter 2/2019 (Reviewed)
13 August 2019
TTCL's Public Holidays for the year 2020
30 July 2019
Report on the use of the Company's Capital increase
05 July 2019
Report on the results of the Exercise of TTCL-W1 (F53-5) No. 1
12 June 2019
Notification of the 1st exercise of TTCL-W1
04 June 2019
Dissemination of the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2562 on the Company's website.
04 June 2019
Receiving the payment on Disposition of Investment in TTCL Gas Power Pte. Ltd. (TTGP)
28 May 2019
Additional Public Holiday of TTCL Public Company Limited for the year 2019
27 May 2019
The Resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2562 (Revised)
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