The Company aims to manage our business according to corporate governance principles and comply with regulations of The Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Office of Securities and Exchange Commission to encourage the company's competitiveness, growth and long-term shareholder value, taking into account the interests of other company stakeholders

The Company's corporate governance policies are divided into two parts, the principles and the recommended best practices are presented in 5 categories, namely;

  1. Rights of Shareholders
  2. Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
  3. Right of Stakeholders
  4. Disclosure and Transparency
  5. Board Responsibilities

Recognizing and valuing the principles of good corporate governance, the Company has devised a clear policy for strict conformance as follows:

1. Rights of Shareholders

The Company recognizes the importance of good corporate governance and values the shareholders' right by encourages the shareholders to exercise their rights including legal fundamental rights such as the right to attend and vote in the shareholders' meeting, the appointment or removal of directors, the remuneration of directors, the right to share in the profit (Dividend), the right to receive adequate information, etc.

Beyond such fundamental rights, the Company endeavors to provide essential information to shareholders via website, to arrange the Company's site visits, etc.

The Company held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) every year within four months after the end of each fiscal year. If there is an urgent need to consider any special matter that may or in connection with the interests of shareholders, which need shareholders' approval, the Board of Directors can call an extraordinary meeting of shareholders on case by case. In 2013, the Company organized AGM on April 5, 2013 at Head Office 27th Floor Serm-mit Tower with a total attendance of 92 shareholders comprising of 92 shareholders and 599 representatives by proxy, representing 394,814,765 shares or 82.25 percent of the total issued share capital of the Company. The meeting was organized in accordance with the processes and procedures of the AGM Checklist, which prepared by Thai Investors Association (TIA) as follow:

Before the AGM

On the Date of the AGM

After the AGM

2. Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

The corporate set policy on conflict of interest of Committee, Management and employee, as part of code of business ethics and of code of conduct. Generally the corporate policy is set to avoid conflict of interest when corporate members focus on their private interest against corporate objectives and execution. For example, corporate members, Committee, Management and Employee are anticipated to avoid conflict of interest concerning corporate business with customers, manufacturers, vendors even business competitors. All members are anticipated to abstain from any activities that could cause conflicts of interest and serve self-interest. Moreover all members must avoid to do property trading with advantage of confidential information.

3. Right of Stakeholders

The corporate realizes the legitimate right of stakeholder such as employee, board of directors and subsidiaries as well as all business partners who have been engaged with corporate working as specified function in agreement.

Whistle-blowing is a measure to report to committee a suspected illegal conduct, falsified financial statement, failure of internal controlling system or a unethical conduct.

The corporate recognize that social and environment influence to business operation therefore the corporate is aware of all laws and regulations

4. Disclosure and Transparency

Disclosure Information of Board of Directors and Executive Management Remuneration Fee and Shareholding

Information of the Board of Directors and executive management remuneration fee and shareholding must be reported in the annual registration statement (Form 56-1), annual report (Form 56-2), and also published at the Company's website. Under Article 59 of the Securities and Securities Exchange Act, directors and executives must report their share portfolios with each purchase, sale, or transfer of shares to SEC.

Disclosure Information of the Company

The Company shall disclose information on material matters regarding the Company, including financial reports, non-financial information and other information as stipulated by SET and SEC that are accurate, clear, complete, easy to understand, transparent, adequate, reliable and timely, and which have been screened according to prescribed procedures. The Company disclosed information to ensure equitable access by shareholders in the following channels:

Besides, the Company establishes the internal control policy within each department or section to prevent confidential information from being disclosed to the public prior to formal announcement. Employees must not apply the Company's confidential information for personal or others' gains. They should maintain inside information and sensitive documents that could lead to undue exploitation for themselves, their families, or their associates, including any information influencing stock prices and the Company's proprietary commercial secrets, formula, and inventions. Those who disclose important information and news to outsiders without approval from the Chief Executive Officer shall be subject to disciplinary action according to Company procedures and may face legal action.

Information Disclose in the Company's Website

To ensure that the shareholders, investors, and interested persons can quickly search and retrieve the Company's public information, the Company provided the following information in both Thai and English via Company's website.

Investor Relations

Toyo-Thai attaches great importance to investor relations which is performed duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, and dedication on disclosure of correct, reliable and adequate Company information to investors, analysts and other related parties in a fair, transparent and comprehensive manner.

The Company has set up the Investor Relations Department as a focal point in conducting proactive investor relations activities, according to best practices of leading international organizations, to promote effective communication channels with investors, analysts and other related parties. Opportunities are also provided for investors to raise questions and receive Company information through various channels, such as the Company's road shows are participated in with domestic and international investors; presentations for analyst meetings; report on the operations of Investor Relations to the Board of Directors quarterly; publish the results of the operation in webcast on the Company's website; provide shareholders and institutional investors to visit and meet business executives in order to generate understandings in the business of the Company.

Investor Relations

Mr. Gobchai Tanasugarn
General Manager
Finance Division & Investor Relation
5. Board Responsibilities

The Corporate Board consists of qualified and experienced in development and stipulation business trends, policy and corporate strategy with corporate objective to internal control system, internal audit, risk management and revision procedure to ensure that operation is compliance with applicable laws and reasonable decision.

(A) The Board of Directors

As of December 31, 2013, Board of Directors are consists of 9 members;

The corporate nominates a secretary, organizer for the meeting arrangement, invitation letter sending, minutes of meeting record and other duties that are related to general responsibility as well as information filing of Committee and Management with their accomplices.

(B) Subcommittee

The Board of Directors nominated Audit Committee for corporate internal audit which consists of an independent director, having qualification as the announcement of The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and of The Stock Exchange of Thailand

(C) Duties and responsibilities

The corporate Committee has duties and responsibilities with compliance of concerned laws in order to consider and approve the corporate important business matters as well as to give priority to good governance and commitment in principle as follows;

Corporate organizer will do annual report related to all activities and corporate turnovers in order to propose to Shareholders for consideration and approval.

The corporate gives priority to internal controlling system for both management and operational levels therefore the corporate stipulates its system and coverage procedure accumulating in Company Operation Document.

The corporate nominates Audit Committee to audit and to comment on transaction which applicable laws stimulate to be audited by Audit Committee such as the related party transactions, are affected or conflicted to interest upon case by case to ensure that each item as proposed is used to reach the highest benefit of the company. These all items will be reported in annual report and the annual registration statement (Form 56-1) as well as statement of financial notes.

(D) Board of Directors' meeting

Board meetings are scheduled in advance so that directors can schedule themselves to attend. The Company is responsible for preparing and delivering the meeting agenda and relevant documents to all directors well in advance. Given adequate preparation time, Directors must investigate and make sound decisions. The Company regulations call for the board to meet at least once a quarter, with at least half of the total board in attendance to make a quorum, with additional meetings as necessary. In 2013, the Company managed a total of 6 Board of Directors Meetings, and one Non-executive Directors Meeting. The meeting invitations are delivered to directors at least 14 days prior to meeting date to give them enough time to study, deliberate, make sound decisions on all agenda items, and schedule themselves properly to attend each meeting.

A clear agenda is set for each meeting and adequate supporting documents are distributed sufficiently in advance to allow directors to thoroughly review the details. Minutes of Board meetings, including its meeting outcomes must be made clear for future reference. Details of meetings of the Board of Directors attendance at each meeting in 2013 are provided in Board Meeting Attendance.

(E) Remuneration

It is the Company's policy to compensate Directors and Management at reasonable levels to motivate and retain quality directors, or at levels comparable to industrial practices. Remuneration is linked to the Director's performance and responsibility as well as the Company's performance and benefits to the shareholders. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee sets the remuneration principles, payment method, and reports the nomination and remuneration performance to the Board of Directors for approval at the AGM. Details of remuneration payments to Directors and management in 2013 are set out in Director & Management Remuneration.

(F) Developing of committee and management

The Company will encourage directors to join the training courses which to be organized by Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) to realize their duties and responsibilities.